Domain - Christian Theological Studies

Domain - Christian Theological Studies

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Level 1
5970 Unit Outline the history and content of major distinguishing doctrines of a selected faith community
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4 Credits
5971 Unit Outline a selected doctrine of a faith community and its implications for that community's life
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4 Credits
9742 Unit Describe the characteristics and actions of the Holy Spirit in the world and in people's lives
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4 Credits
9969 Unit Outline a commonly held Christian understanding of Christian beliefs and their importance
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4 Credits
Level 2
5974 Unit Describe how religious beliefs have been reflected in art forms throughout history
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4 Credits
5975 Unit Describe current formulations and expressions of teachings of a faith community
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4 Credits
5976 Unit Describe the interaction between scientific development and Christian belief
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4 Credits
9970 Unit Describe a commonly held Christian understanding of Christian beliefs and explain their importance
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6 Credits
Level 3
5977 Unit Describe church teachings and practices and evaluate their enduring significance
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3 Credits
5978 Unit Discuss the expression, development and implications of a faith community's doctrines
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4 Credits
5979 Unit Relate a faith community's view of work and leisure to contemporary Aotearoa-New Zealand
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4 Credits
5980 Unit Demonstrate integration of thought about a scientific development with Christian thought and belief
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4 Credits
5982 Unit Explain the significance of Jesus Christ as an historical figure
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4 Credits
9743 Unit Present a reasoned argument for the existence of God
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4 Credits
9744 Unit Explain aspects of traditional and modern Christian understandings of Jesus Christ
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4 Credits
9971 Unit Explain a Christian understanding of selected Christian beliefs and their influence
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6 Credits
9972 Unit Survey a Christian understanding of a range of Christian beliefs and explain their influence
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8 Credits
9978 Unit Describe a selected Christian theological understanding of the development of a range of doctrines
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4 Credits
Level 4
9959 Unit Describe the purpose and sources of systematic theology and outline skills required to engage in it
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2 Credits
9965 Unit Describe the relationship between faith and reason in examining some objections to Christianity
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4 Credits
9966 Unit Use biblically based argument to respond to questions about the validity of the Christian Gospel
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4 Credits
9973 Unit Explain a commonly held theological understanding of three Christian beliefs and their implications
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8 Credits
9974 Unit Explain a common theological understanding of a range of Christian beliefs and their implications
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10 Credits
9979 Unit Survey the development of selected doctrines with reference to selected theological thinkers
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6 Credits
9981 Unit Explain the doctrinal distinctives and practices of a selected Christian faith community
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3 Credits
9983 Unit Describe the course of a selected theological debate and explain its importance
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3 Credits
9992 Unit Describe a selected contextual theology and its significance
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4 Credits
9993 Unit Describe two theological perspectives on a contemporary theological issue
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3 Credits
9994 Unit Describe the theological ideas of a range of contemporary theologians
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8 Credits
Level 5
9960 Unit Discuss the nature, sources, and methods of systematic theology
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3 Credits
9961 Unit Discuss a range of theological models and their sources
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4 Credits
9962 Unit Discuss Christian theological issues concerning the use of language to express beliefs about God
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4 Credits
9967 Unit Answer common questions and objections concerning Christian belief
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6 Credits
9975 Unit Discuss and evaluate theological perspectives on a range of Christian beliefs and their significance
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10 Credits
9976 Unit Discuss theological perspectives on a wide range of Christian beliefs and their significance
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12 Credits
9980 Unit Discuss the historical and theological development of selected Christian doctrines
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5 Credits
9984 Unit Describe the ideas and discuss the contribution to theology of a selected theological thinker
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4 Credits
9985 Unit Compare Eastern and Western theology with reference to one Christian belief
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4 Credits
9995 Unit Describe a selected theology in Aotearoa-New Zealand
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4 Credits
9996 Unit Compare and contrast a contextual theology with a contemporary expression of Christian orthodoxy
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6 Credits
9997 Unit Discuss a range of perspectives, and outline a personal position on a contemporary theological issue
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3 Credits
9998 Unit Compare and contrast some distinctive ideas of two contemporary theologians
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8 Credits
Level 6
10000 Unit Analyse perspectives on a contemporary theological issue, and defend a preferred perspective
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6 Credits
10001 Unit Analyse contemporary theology and argue for a preferred perspective
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6 Credits
9963 Unit Discuss the purposes and implications of theological models
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4 Credits
9964 Unit Discuss the nature of theological language and present a preferred view concerning it
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4 Credits
9968 Unit Evaluate selected claims of Christianity in relation to significant critiques
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8 Credits
9977 Unit Analyse biblical and historical development and contemporary perspectives of Christian beliefs
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15 Credits
9982 Unit Describe and critically evaluate a significant denominational practice and its theology
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6 Credits
9986 Unit Discuss selected Greek metaphysical themes and ways in which they have had theological influence
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8 Credits
9987 Unit Analyse a selected thinker's theology, and assess its contribution to subsequent theology
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8 Credits
9988 Unit Critically analyse a selected theological debate, and its significance
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8 Credits
9989 Unit Analyse one thinker's formulation of metaphysical themes and their theological significance
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8 Credits
9990 Unit Analyse a formulation from selected philosophical anthropologies and its theological significance
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8 Credits
9991 Unit Discuss selected themes within modern philosophy that interact with Christian theology
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8 Credits
9999 Unit Discuss the intention, evaluate perspectives, and defend one contextual theology perspective
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8 Credits