Search results

Search results

Your search found 14 Unit Standards and 20 Achievement Standards under the following subjects:

Matched the following keywords:

Family, Community and Society Studies
Food Technology and Nutrition
Home and Life Sciences - Textile Technology
Home Economics

91299 Home and Life Sciences Analyse issues related to the provision of food for people with specific food needs 5 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (30KB) (69KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (36KB) (70KB)
Achievement standard 2015 (36KB) (70KB)
Achievement standard 2012 (70KB) (68KB)
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91300 Home and Life Sciences Analyse the relationship between well-being, food choices and determinants of health 4 credits External
Achievement standard 2019 (31KB) (65KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (36KB) (66KB)
Achievement standard 2015 (36KB) (66KB)
Achievement standard 2012 (70KB) (64KB)
Assessment specifications 2024 (319KB)
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91301 Home and Life Sciences Analyse beliefs, attitudes and practices related to a nutritional issue for families in New Zealand 5 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (30KB) (55KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (36KB) (56KB)
Achievement standard 2015 (36KB) (56KB)
Achievement standard 2012 (68KB) (54KB)
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91302 Home and Life Sciences Evaluate sustainable food related practices 5 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (29KB) (66KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (35KB) (67KB)
Achievement standard 2015 (35KB) (67KB)
Achievement standard 2012 (69KB) (67KB)
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91303 Home and Life Sciences Analyse practices to enhance well-being used in care provision in the community 5 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (30KB) (67KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (36KB) (68KB)
Achievement standard 2015 (36KB) (68KB)
Achievement standard 2012 (69KB) (67KB)
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91304 Home and Life Sciences Evaluate health promoting strategies designed to address a nutritional need 4 credits External
Achievement standard 2019 (31KB) (71KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (37KB) (72KB)
Achievement standard 2015 (37KB) (72KB)
Achievement standard 2012 (72KB) (71KB)
Assessment specifications 2024 (319KB)
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6685 Adapt a commercial pattern for a garment 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (66KB) (65KB)
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6686 Create fabrics 7 credits Internal
Unit standard (66KB) (65KB)
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6687 Incorporate structural design in fabric 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (69KB) (64KB)
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6688 Incorporate applied design in fabric 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (64KB) (64KB)
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6689 Apply colour to fabrics 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (72KB) (67KB)
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6690 Plan for and construct a tailored shirt 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (70KB) (65KB)
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6691 Construct a lined skirt 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (70KB) (67KB)
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6692 Prepare for and construct a leisure garment 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (71KB) (66KB)
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6693 Prepare for and construct a non-wearable textile item 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (71KB) (66KB)
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6694 Prepare for and construct active wear 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (70KB) (66KB)
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6695 Design, prepare for, and construct an undergarment, lingerie, or nightwear 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (72KB) (68KB)
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6696 Prepare for and construct a child's garment 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (69KB) (66KB)
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6697 Prepare for and create wearable art 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (73KB) (67KB)
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16837 Prepare for and produce fashion drawings 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (69KB) (67KB)
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