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Your search found 5 Achievement Standards under the following subjects:

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Classical Studies

91394 Classical Studies Analyse ideas and values of the classical world 4 credits External
Achievement standard 2019 (79KB) (52KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (139KB) (53KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (68KB) (54KB)
Assessment specifications 2024 (326KB)
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91395 Classical Studies Analyse the significance of a work(s) of art in the classical world 4 credits External
Achievement standard 2019 (77KB) (56KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (140KB) (57KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (67KB) (60KB)
Assessment specifications 2024 (326KB)
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91396 Classical Studies Analyse the impact of a significant historical figure on the classical world 6 credits External
Achievement standard 2019 (79KB) (51KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (139KB) (52KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (67KB) (54KB)
Assessment specifications 2024 (326KB)
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91397 Classical Studies Demonstrate understanding of significant ideology(ies) in the classical world 6 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (77KB) (57KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (137KB) (58KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (67KB) (60KB)
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91398 Classical Studies Demonstrate understanding of the lasting influences of the classical world on other cultures across time 6 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (73KB) (57KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (139KB) (58KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (67KB) (60KB)
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