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Your search found 81 Unit Standards and 20 Achievement Standards

Matched the following keywords:

Hauora - Wāhanga Ako
Kaupapa Hauora
Whānau Ora

6400 Manage first aid in an emergency situation 2 credits Internal
Unit standard (119KB) (115KB)
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15299 Explain the principles and concepts of hauora based on a Māori world view 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (144KB) (104KB)
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15310 Demonstrate knowledge of the human life cycle in a hauora context 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (109KB) (105KB)
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15312 Explain implications of legislation on hauora Māori 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (147KB) (107KB)
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18352 Explain four key dimensions of hauora 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (112KB) (106KB)
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18353 Explain the values of whānau and peers in relation to sex and sexuality 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (143KB) (105KB)
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18354 Explain the impact of teenage pregnancy on whānau 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (121KB) (108KB)
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18356 Develop a substance abuse cessation programme in a hauora context 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (113KB) (107KB)
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18357 Develop a substance abuse awareness programme for rangatahi 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (110KB) (105KB)
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18360 Prepare a nutritionally balanced diet using kai tōtika Māori 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (141KB) (106KB)
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18363 Explain the impacts of tikanga associated with hauora in the home 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (148KB) (90KB)
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18560 Explain Māori methods of effective communication used by kaimahi in a hauora context 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (151KB) (112KB)
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22237 Describe key concepts and models of injury prevention 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (110KB) (103KB)
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23373 Demonstrate knowledge of the impact of mental illness on a person with an intellectual disability 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (133KB) (118KB)
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23374 Describe autism and support strategies to assist a person with autism 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (217KB) (72KB)
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23375 Describe hearing impairment and support services that are specific to people with a hearing impairment 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (87KB) (112KB)
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24895 Describe the visual system and vision impairment and support services that are specific to people with vision impairment 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (122KB) (114KB)
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25987 Describe values and culturally safe principles for Pacific people in a health or wellbeing setting 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (91KB) (111KB)
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26801 Describe the benefits of breastfeeding, available support services, and Baby Friendly Initiatives 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (144KB) (114KB)
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26802 Describe information, interactions, and strategies that support breastfeeding, and demonstrate breastfeeding care 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (135KB) (134KB)
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26974 Describe interaction, supports, and reporting for people with dementia in a health or wellbeing setting 8 credits Internal
Unit standard (124KB) (72KB)
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26981 Describe risks, impacts, and actions for falls and minimise risk of falls in a health or wellbeing setting 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (123KB) (72KB)
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27141 Demonstrate knowledge of cultural identities and culture-related issues in an aged care, health, or disability context 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (118KB) (71KB)
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27457 Describe the anatomy and physiology of systems and associated organs of the human body 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (113KB) (70KB)
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27458 Describe the development of a personal plan and support a person to achieve goals in a health or wellbeing setting 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (88KB) (114KB)
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27459 Observe, describe, and respond to changes in a person in a health or wellbeing setting 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (117KB) (112KB)
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27460 Describe a person's nutritional requirements and feeding issues in a health or wellbeing setting 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (156KB) (74KB)
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27461 Describe indicators of wellness, interventions, care, and support for people at different lifespan stages 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (135KB) (73KB)
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27465 Contribute to therapeutic programmes and/or groups in a health or wellbeing setting 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (147KB) (85KB)
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27468 Apply safe swallowing strategies in a health or wellbeing setting 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (137KB) (75KB)
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27709 Instruct a Step class 7 credits Internal
Unit standard (111KB) (119KB)
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27711 Instruct an Indoor Cycling class 7 credits Internal
Unit standard (141KB) (119KB)
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27712 Instruct a Free Weights class 7 credits Internal
Unit standard (112KB) (121KB)
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27713 Instruct a Cardio Martial Fit class 7 credits Internal
Unit standard (113KB) (127KB)
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27714 Instruct a Circuit class 7 credits Internal
Unit standard (109KB) (123KB)
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27715 Instruct a group exercise Dance class 7 credits Internal
Unit standard (106KB) (118KB)
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27716 Instruct a Mind and Body class 7 credits Internal
Unit standard (104KB) (115KB)
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27717 Instruct a Core Conditioning class 7 credits Internal
Unit standard (111KB) (122KB)
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27833 Support people to use assistive equipment and move in a health or wellbeing setting 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (140KB) (89KB)
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28520 Demonstrate knowledge of specific conditions and their impacts when providing support in a health or wellbeing setting 9 credits Internal
Unit standard (119KB) (72KB)
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28521 Describe responses to vulnerability and abuse in a health or wellbeing setting 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (88KB) (97KB)
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28522 Demonstrate knowledge of human development theory for a health or wellbeing setting 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (132KB) (123KB)
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28523 Describe community values and attitudes and their impact on people with disabilities 2 credits Internal
Unit standard (80KB) (107KB)
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28524 Describe a person's holistic needs and their impact on a person's health and wellbeing, and provide support to meet them 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (122KB) (120KB)
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28528 Describe and apply a person-centred approach when supporting a person in a health or wellbeing setting 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (86KB) (116KB)
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28530 Move and store equipment in a healthcare facility 7 credits Internal
Unit standard (139KB) (75KB)
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28531 Transport people in a healthcare facility 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (120KB) (107KB)
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28532 Transport a deceased person in a healthcare facility 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (125KB) (107KB)
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28534 Support the effective functioning of a healthcare facility as an orderly 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (85KB) (71KB)
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28535 Demonstrate knowledge of procedures for infection control in a health or wellbeing setting 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (136KB) (72KB)
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28536 Apply health, safety, and security practices in a health or wellbeing setting 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (115KB) (73KB)
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28542 Demonstrate knowledge of, and apply professional and ethical behaviour in a health or wellbeing setting 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (95KB) (114KB)
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28544 Support a person according to their cultural preferences in a health or wellbeing setting 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (87KB) (109KB)
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28546 Demonstrate knowledge of incontinence and interventions to assist a person in a health or wellbeing setting 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (121KB) (114KB)
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28547 Support a person with diabetes in a health or wellbeing setting 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (135KB) (72KB)
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28549 Collect and transport healthcare waste in a healthcare facility 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (129KB) (71KB)
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28550 Support a person with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in a health or wellbeing setting 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (135KB) (75KB)
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28557 Communicate to support a person's health and wellbeing in a health or wellbeing setting 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (127KB) (116KB)
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28737 Demonstrate knowledge of pressure injuries and pressure area care, and preventive care 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (145KB) (96KB)
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28738 Describe the key principles of palliative care and a support worker's role in a palliative approach to care 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (155KB) (71KB)
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29395 Apply infection prevention and control in dentistry 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (211KB) (73KB)
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29454 Assist with oral health care procedures 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (306KB) (72KB)
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29584 Demonstrate knowledge of rongoā Māori in relation to the prevention and treatment of illness 3 credits Internal
Unit standard (135KB) (107KB)
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29586 Explain the impact of grief from a Māori perspective 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (115KB) (104KB)
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30446 Prepare for, instruct and review a pre-choreographed group exercise class 15 credits Internal
Unit standard (220KB) (89KB)
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30448 Work professionally and safely as an exercise instructor to promote health and wellbeing within an exercise facility 8 credits Internal
Unit standard (138KB) (86KB)
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30617 Explain whānau ora and whanaungatanga 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (149KB) (107KB)
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30618 Explain traditional and contemporary methods of communication used by whānau 8 credits Internal
Unit standard (157KB) (117KB)
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30619 Explain the significance of kaitiakitanga within whānau 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (154KB) (110KB)
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30620 Describe the concept of manaakitanga and how manaakitanga supports whānau 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (148KB) (83KB)
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30621 Explain tikanga within the home or work environment and the impact of changing or absent tikanga 8 credits Internal
Unit standard (119KB) (110KB)
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30622 Identify technology pūkengatanga within the whānau and draft a whānau ora plan 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (154KB) (108KB)
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30625 Identify and explain workplace practices, policies and tikanga that relate to personal safety 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (120KB) (110KB)
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30626 Explain wellness management within the context of whānau 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (173KB) (109KB)
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30932 Demonstrate knowledge of pre-designed exercise programmes, exercise principles, components and adherence 10 credits Internal
Unit standard (143KB) (91KB)
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30933 Demonstrate exercise and stretching techniques 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (40KB) (89KB)
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30935 Develop and implement an exercise plan for personal physical fitness 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (140KB) (86KB)
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30936 Demonstrate knowledge of the purpose and protocols of exercise testing 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (141KB) (90KB)
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32418 Describe application of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and its benefits, in a health or wellbeing setting 6 credits Internal
Unit standard (136KB) (110KB)
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32419 Apply Māori values and evaluate their application, when supporting tangata whai ora in a health or wellbeing setting 4 credits Internal
Unit standard (159KB) (124KB)
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91461 Analyse a New Zealand health issue 5 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (76KB) (68KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (143KB) (70KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (88KB) (76KB)
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91462 Analyse an international health issue 5 credits External
Achievement standard 2019 (34KB) (66KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (41KB) (68KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (77KB) (76KB)
Assessment specifications 2024 (324KB)
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91463 Evaluate health practices currently used in New Zealand 5 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (77KB) (67KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (141KB) (68KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (86KB) (70KB)
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91464 Analyse a contemporary ethical issue in relation to well-being 4 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (34KB) (67KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (40KB) (68KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (77KB) (72KB)
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91465 Evaluate models for health promotion 5 credits External
Achievement standard 2019 (77KB) (62KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (140KB) (63KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (72KB) (65KB)
Assessment specifications 2024 (324KB)
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91498 Evaluate physical activity experiences to devise strategies for lifelong well-being 4 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (81KB) (64KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (143KB) (65KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (82KB) (67KB)
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91499 Analyse a physical skill performed by self or others 3 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (107KB) (63KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (182KB) (64KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (72KB) (66KB)
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91500 Evaluate the effectiveness of a performance improvement programme 4 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (83KB) (66KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (142KB) (67KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (71KB) (71KB)
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91501 Demonstrate quality performance of a physical activity in an applied setting 4 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (36KB) (69KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (43KB) (70KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (73KB) (73KB)
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91502 Examine a current physical activity event, trend, or issue and its impact on New Zealand society 4 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (74KB) (69KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (140KB) (70KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (80KB) (71KB)
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91503 Evaluate the use of health promotion to influence participation in physical activity 5 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (32KB) (69KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (39KB) (70KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (70KB) (72KB)
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91504 Analyse issues in safety management for outdoor activity to devise safety management strategies 3 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (32KB) (68KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (38KB) (69KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (71KB) (71KB)
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91505 Examine contemporary leadership principles applied in physical activity contexts 4 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (30KB) (67KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (36KB) (68KB)
Achievement standard 2013 (70KB) (69KB)
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91789 Devise strategies for a physical activity outcome 4 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (73KB) (61KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (140KB) (62KB)
Achievement standard 2015 (27KB) (62KB)
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91811 Te āta tātari i te hiranga o te kai taketake ki te oranga o ngā iwi taketake 3 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (169KB) (53KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (276KB) (54KB)
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91812 Te arotake rautaki e tutuki pai ai ngā hiahia ahurea o te iwi i roto i ngā mahi koiri 5 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (174KB) (63KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (281KB) (64KB)
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91813 Te whakarite i tētahi kaupapa tiaki taiao i runga anō i tā te Māori titiro 3 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (176KB) (64KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (284KB) (64KB)
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91814 Te tūhura i ngā rongoā taiao hei whakaora i te tangata 3 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (169KB) (58KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (279KB) (59KB)
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91815 Te āta tātari i ngā āhuatanga o te taukumekume hei para huarahi e pai ake ai ngā hononga tāngata 5 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (201KB) (64KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (325KB) (65KB)
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91816 Te āta tātari i te pānga mai o te tuakiri ki te oranga tangata 4 credits Internal
Achievement standard 2019 (172KB) (61KB)
Achievement standard 2017 (283KB) (62KB)
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18361 (expiring) Explain Māori childcare practices pre and post-Pākehā contact 5 credits Internal
Unit standard (173KB) (110KB)
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